2 didactic hours
Προσομοίωση δημιουργίας κρατήρων με ρίψη σφαιρών σε πλαστελίνη
(4 votes)
- Classification: Mond, Krater, Meteorit
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Guided research
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Low
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Language: el
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: el
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: More than 5MB
- Structure: Collection
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system
Bubbling Chemistry
(3 votes)
- Classification: Kreativität in den Naturwissenschaften, Sicherheit, Experimentelle Modelle, Phasenübergang, Chemische Veränderungen, Säuren, Laugen und Basen, Laborausrüstung - allgemein
- Age Range: 9-12
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Guided research
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: More than 5MB
- Structure: Hierarchical
- Type: Operating system
Varikasta kemiaa 1
(2 votes)
- Classification: Kreativität in den Naturwissenschaften, Fragen stellen, Chemische Veränderungen, Säuren, Laugen und Basen, Laborausrüstung - allgemein
- Age Range: 9-12
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Guided research
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Language: fi
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: fi
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Hierarchical
- Type: Operating system
Kuplivaa kemiaa 1
(4 votes)
- Classification: Wissenschaftsanwendungen - allgemein, Kreativität in den Naturwissenschaften, Fragen stellen, Experimentelle Modelle, Chemische Veränderungen, Säuren, Laugen und Basen, Laborausrüstung - allgemein
- Age Range: 9-12
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: Guided research
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Language: fi
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: fi
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: More than 5MB
- Structure: Hierarchical
- Type: Operating system
Movement of Heavenly Bodies – Earth and Moon
(3 votes)
- Classification: Erde, Mond
- Age Range: 9-12
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Easy
- Educational Model: Project-based learning
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: Up to 250KB
- Structure: Collection
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Browser
- Classification: Atomstruktur, Elemente (chemische ), Beugung, Farbe, Sonnensystem, Sonne, Gas, Sonnenaktivität, Ausrüstung für Feldforschung
- Age Range: 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Easy
- Educational Model: Guided research
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Low
- Interactivity Type: Active
- Language: sv
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: sv
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Linear
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system
Излъчване на абсолютно черно тяло
- Classification: Verwendung von Wissenschaft zur Erklärung, Materialeignschaften, Teilchentehorie, Gasdruck und diffusion
- Age Range: 12-15, 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Educational content
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Very high
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Hierarchical
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system
Miksi vuodenajat pysyvät paikoillaan vai pysyvätkö ne?
(2 votes)
- Classification: Umlaufbahn
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Learning activity
- Context: Other
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Model: The learning cycle
- Format: application/zip
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Medium
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: fi
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: fi
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Collection
Sound Waves
(2 votes)
- Classification: Welleneigenschaften - allgemein, Wellenamplitude, Wellenlänge, Reflexion, Brechung, Schalleigenschaften - allgemein
- Age Range: 25+, 12-15, 15-18, 18-25
- Aggregation Level: Educational content
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Very high
- Interactivity Type: Mixed
- Language: en
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: en
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 500KB to 1MB
- Structure: Hierarchical
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system
Προσομοίωση Δημιουργίας Κρατήρων σε Πλαστελίνη με ρίψη σφαιρών
- Classification: Krater, Meteorit
- Age Range: 15-18
- Aggregation Level: Educational content
- Context: school education
- Difficulty: Medium
- Educational Asset Type: Experiment
- Format: application/mspowerpoint
- Intended User Role: Teacher
- Interactivity Level: Very low
- Interactivity Type: Expositive
- Language: el
- Learning Time: 2 didactic hours
- Metadata Language: el
- Purpose: Discipline
- Size: From 1MB to 5MB
- Structure: Atomic
- Technical Name: ms-windows
- Type: Operating system